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Publicado el 28 de Octubre de 2020 en Acción Sindical
Noticia de todas las diócesis.


1. The EEC and the Ministry of Education met this summer to lay the foundations for an Educational Pact in Spain and, for the teachings of Confessional Religion , the new Episcopal Commission for Education and Culture , as reported by the weekly Archdiocese of Madrid, Alfa and Omega, proposed to the Ministry to "integrate Religion into education in values" , a novel formula to overcome the problems created by the Draft of the new Education Law, pending in the Congress of Deputies, marginalizing the teachings of Religion in such a radical waythat forgets the Constitution, the Church-State Agreements of the year 1979, the agreements signed with the evangelical, Islamic and Jewish religious confessions, in 1992, of all the legal provisions in force for the State and for the CC. AA. On the Teachings of Religion in the school of all, and of the rich jurisprudence of the Courts of Justice, from the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the National Court and the Superior Courts of Justice of the Autonomous Communities.

2. The EEC proposal resolves, at its base, the criticism that a part of the political class makes of the LOMCE formula, which actually exists in the current educational system: that education in values ??is offered, but only the Those who do not choose the teachings of Religion can study, who can go through all the educational stages, without having officially studied the values ??of the curriculum prepared by the Ministry and the Education Departments of the Autonomous Communities on Values. A fact, which is real, and that the group of Deputies and Senators of the PSOE, who filed an appeal of unconstitutionality against some articles of the LOMCE, clearly exposed it as an educational problem of the system itself.

3. The proposal provided by the LOMLOE project worsens the educational problem of the Spanish educational system, to which the correct criticism is made that it divides the students who study Religion from those who study Civic, Ethical and Citizen Values, separating it into Instead of teaching them to live with mutual respect, on an equal footing, from the moment they enter the school of all and for all. And no matter where you look at it, the LOMLOE formula is not valid: those who want Religion will have it and those who do not want it will not have to study anything, while those from Religion work, creating insoluble organizational problems. And throughout the Primary and Secondary stage, all students will have a compulsory course of education in values, as if the EDUCATION so necessary in school, in addition to instruction,

4. Por eso, desde el sindicato APPRECE, pensamos que la propuesta de la CEE al Ministerio, soluciona, en su raíz, el problema educativo existente en el sistema educativo español y los partidos políticos que han buscado su mejora, tienen que acoger positivamente la propuesta de la Iglesia Católica, porque es en su propuesta, donde se puede solucionar el problema, evitando, además, que la LOMLOE, en este tema, cree una serie de problemas hoy inexistentes, que inexorablemente llevarían a una nueva judicialización de la Ley de Educación, que nacería muerta.

5. En APPRECE sabemos que en la LOMLOE existen también otros problemas, de enorme gravedad, pero la finalidad estatutaria del sindicato APPRECE es la defensa de la Religión confesional en la escuela y la de su profesorado y por eso centramos nuestro trabajo en lo que nos concierne directamente y a nuestros fines dedicamos todos nuestros esfuerzos humanos y materiales.

6. En la entrevista que RELIGIÓN y ESCUELA, en el estreno de su versión digital, ha hecho al Presidente Nacional de APPRECE, Don José María Guardia Sierra, cuyo archivo adjuntamos, se pueden observar y analizar el apoyo incondicional a la propuesta de los Obispos españoles al Ministerio y que titulamos "CURRICULO INTEGRADO" y que lo vemos como una solución para todo y para todos, de forma que cuando se le hagan a la fórmula vigente las modificaciones, que tanto la Jerarquía como el propio Ministerio acuerden, nos encontraremos con un nuevo Curriculo de "RELIGIONES y VALORES", con una opción de Valores, que integra el estudio de su Religión, y, con una opción que sólo estudie Valores, y donde las familias y el alumnado mayor de edad, podrán elegir: Religión Católica,  o Religión Evangélica, o Religión Islámica, que será impartida por los actuales profesores de religion, u optan por el currículo de sólo Valores.

7. And, if from the earliest childhood until the end of the Baccalaureate, they are EDUCATED in the school of everyone and for everyone, in all courses and educational stages, those generations thus educated, will have clear that the COMMON GOOD is about Above everything and everyone and, in the face of any "pandemic" they will know how to behave as they learned in school. It is time that in the school, in addition to instructing, it is also educated in the values ??that make societies and nations great! And we do not have to repeat, over and over again, that the violence that exists in society today has to be eradicated from school education. It is time to act. Let's get to work!

                        Spain, October 28, 2020

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